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my opion
Published on October 27, 2010 By Misunderstood-man In Gaming

    Hello all blogging peeps, just thought I would blog about this as it has consumed most of my free time in the past week.  I got Fallout New Vegas last week and I have just sat down over the weekend and really got into it.  Some things about the game that I found good. 

    One- you can change the difficulty at any point in the game.  Its even fun on easy and you will die a few times for sure.  The graphics are next and don't lag down your pc to much.  It is a free move any where in the game and loads instantly (so no loading please wait screens).  Story line is sharp and char's are good.


    Couple of turn offs- Its not much different than Fallout 3.  There is no graphic improvements.  I have also ran into some bugs that are very annoying like getting knocked into a wall then end up having to reload the game. or getting stuck in rocks and buildings while fighting.  And the small other thing I didn't care for is the time it takes to level up.  Its almost like you have to do it final fantasy still and find things to kill in the desert there is not a lot of progression in the game. 


   I would recommend the game to any FPS lover. or even RPG fans.  So as it sits I give the game a 4 out of 5 stars.



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